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Gibsons 500 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle - Punimals


Holey Moley! Punimals is a riotous rainbow of Winosaurs, Pupsicles and Armachillos. Tell the world to FlaminGo Away and piece together the delightful hybrids that are Bumbledore, David Hedgehoff and Anarakoon in this 500 piece jigsaw puzzle by the amazingly talented all-round good egg, Katie Abey.

Punimals is part of our range of design-led jigsaw puzzles especially for adults. With the recent wave of young adults wanting to take a ‘digital detox’ from using their devices that can sometimes take over everyday life, puzzling is becoming a popular pastime as it is an excellent way to relieve stress and focus on the present moment. The White Logo Collection is perfect for the new wave of puzzlers who are looking for more contemporary designs rather than traditional puzzle scenes.

Shipping Policy

We offer free shipping for orders over $300.

Flat Rate Shipping:

$12.95 - Standard Post
$19.95 - Express Post

Please note we do not ship internationally, only within Australia.

Local pick up is available once your order has been placed and pickup notification is received from:

Nightingale Cafe inside St Luke’s Hospital

18 Roslyn Street Potts Point NSW 2011 

Cafe Trading Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30am till 3:00pm