Why You Should Buy Dad a Puzzle this Fathers Day
It's that time of year again when buying for our Dad's becomes a task as we contemplate what to buy him that is interesting and different. Throw into the mix that many of us simply cannot wander around the shops due to varying restrictions so we will more than likely have to make a purchase online.
Here are 5 reasons puzzles are a great present for Dad this year.
1. Puzzles are not only a fun and enjoyable activity for Dad, but it's also a pastime that creates mental stimulation that is training the brain. Keeping the brain stimulated is such a healthy and important part of ageing and this is why we believe this is the number one reason this Fathers Day for buying Dad a puzzle.
2. An extension from point 1 (mental stimulation) is that it doesn't have to be a jigsaw puzzle, it could be a brain training book,wordsearch, crosswords or soduko challenge or a combination of everything. The solutions available are wide reaching so having variety in puzzles is something else that Dad will love.
3. Puzzles bring families together, whether it be husband and wife, father and their children or very commonly Grandfather and grandchildren. Puzzles are a great way for families to engage and start conversations which sometimes we take for granted.
4. Jigsaw puzzles nowadays range from 13 piece large format puzzles to 5000+ piece puzzles depending on each Dad's appetite. There are XXL piece jigsaw puzzles, plastic puzzles that can be wiped down for infection control, entry level 1000 piece puzzles that you can pick up for $14.95 or higher end 1000 piece puzzles for $44.95, the range and images are endless. There really is a puzzle for every dad.
5. Wind down after a day at work Dad or create a bit of Dad time. Puzzles are a great way for Dads to unwind, relax and simply think about the task at hand. Start with the edges Dad, it's much easier.
We hope you enjoyed our 5 quick tips for Dad's and puzzles this Fathers Day and be sure to get in quick to receive your order before Friday 4 September.
Fathers Day in Australia is on Sunday 6 September, 2020
Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads and Happy Puzzling.