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Assistex Sensory Pad


Relieves Anxiety - Suitable for Alzheimer's and Autistic Therapy an Activity Pad that Strengthens Memory, Comes with Handy Guide Book *

The sensory fidget sleeve comes with a handy guidance book that has 45+ practical dementia and Alzheimer's activities ideas, written by a certified Occupational Therapist. The book include 2 chapters. the first of activities that are suited for late stage dementia and the second chapter for early stage dementia. * DEMENTIA PRODUCTS FOR ELDERLY : Each accessory incorporated into the sensory mat is designed to benefit therapeutic activities and games for dementia, and autistic patients.

Shipping Policy

We offer free shipping for orders over $300.

Flat Rate Shipping:

$12.95 - Standard Post
$19.95 - Express Post

Please note we do not ship internationally, only within Australia.

Local pick up is available once your order has been placed and pickup notification is received from:

Nightingale Cafe inside St Luke’s Hospital

18 Roslyn Street Potts Point NSW 2011 

Cafe Trading Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30am till 3:00pm

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